Aluminium Allround droppy
Alphasafe Scaffolding used Layher aluminium Allround scaffolding for this scaffold in Clarence Street, Sydney. Because of neighbouring properties and a laneway below, the builder required access via the rooftop, hence the requirement for a drop scaffold.
“Using Layher’s Allround aluminium scaffold for the drop scaffold made things very easy for the scaffolders (so light!!), completing the 11m long, 7m drop with ease,” said Mike Haslam of Alphasafe.
If this scaffold was built of steel instead of aluminium Allround it would weigh 73% more. Layher aluminium Allround is made from 48.3mm tube (same as steel) but with a 4mm wall thickness.
Alpahasafe used Layher glass fibre reinforced plastic Fipro decks on the lower lift to reduce weight further. Thank you to Mike Haslam and Ryan Ashby of Alphasafe for the use of these photos.